Mixing Rustic and Modern Pieces in Your Home Decor

Rustic and modern are two design styles that are often thought to be opposites. But you don’t have to choose one or the other when you’re decorating your home. You can mix rustic and modern pieces in your home décor to create a cohesive look that’s both classic and modern at the same time. Here’s how:

Add a Little History!

If you are ready to incorporate rustic and modern pieces in your home decor, here’s how you can choose the best interior for your home:

  • Bring in an old piece of furniture.

  • Use a vintage rug or other floor covering.

  • Add antique accessories like candlesticks, vases, and picture frames to your home decor.

  • Place an old suit of armor in the hallway or living room as a conversation starter!

  • Use vintage wallpaper on one wall for an instant update without painting (or hire someone who knows how to do it for you).

Go for a Natural Feel!

When mixing rustic and modern pieces in your home decor, keeping the overall feel of your room in mind is essential. If you want to create a natural and cozy space, try using raw materials like wood and stone. You can also use natural colors like brown, green, and beige to accentuate the feeling of being outdoors.

Natural patterns like stripes or checks will help tie together all of these elements into one cohesive design scheme that evokes warmth and comfort for anyone who enters your home decor space!

Look for Vintage-inspired Details!

For vintage home décor, consider the following tips:

  • Furniture with a rustic feel - If you have an old dining table and chairs in your kitchen, use them! Or if there’s an old dresser or armoire in your bedroom, it probably won’t hurt to put it on display.

  • Accessories with a rustic feel - You might be surprised by how many things around the house can be repurposed as decor: baskets from Trader Joe’s make great planters or wooden spoons that work well as candle holders. Even old books can be used to store spices or other small items in drawers.

  • Wall art with a rustic feel – or better yet – create some yourself by using reclaimed wood scraps from another project.

Stick with Neutral Tones and Pops of Color!

You can mix rustic and modern pieces in your home décor to create a unique look, but it’s essential to keep in mind that neutral tones are more versatile. Pops of color are fun and can be used to create a focal point, but they should be used sparingly, so they don’t overpower your space.

  • Use color to highlight the natural beauty of the wood and metal by choosing light hues like cream or white. This will help you avoid looking at your furniture as just another piece of wood or metal. It will become something beautiful that adds character to your home décor.

  • Use color to create a mood or feeling in the room by selecting bolder shades such as purple or bright yellow. This will make your house feel more welcoming because who doesn’t love the warmth of natural sunlight?

Incorporate Rustic Materials into Furniture, Accessories, or Wall Art Pieces!

Incorporate rustic materials into your modern room design by incorporating them into furniture, accessories, or wall art pieces.

  • Use rustic materials to create a warm, inviting feel. You can use reclaimed wood to make the room feel cozy and homey. If you want your dining table to be made from reclaimed wood, consider buying one online. Some websites offer custom farmhouse tables made from reclaimed wood as well as other types of furniture pieces, such as benches and chairs.

  • Use rustic materials when creating unique decor pieces like lamps or clocks. You can also incorporate these items into your home decorating scheme without having them clash against other elements within the room itself.

Make use of Natural Textures like Wood and Metal!

You can play with the scale of your decor to create different moods in your room. For example, use wood as your main material if you want a warm and cozy feeling. If you want something modern and industrial-looking, opt for metal instead. When remodeling your new home after the move, you might want to decorate it from scratch. This way, you’ll be able to choose basic materials for your home décor and work your way up.

If you’re looking to incorporate these two styles into one piece of furniture, like a coffee table or lamp stand, then they must complement each other well. For example: if the rustic piece has rounded edges on all sides (like an old stump), make sure that your modern piece has sharp corners. Otherwise, it will look out of place!

You can Mix Rustic and Modern Pieces in Your Home Decor, but you Have to be Careful About How you do it!

You can mix rustic and modern elements in your decor, but you have to be careful about how you do it. If you want to incorporate a few pieces of rustic furniture or accessories into a room that’s otherwise decorated in a more modern style, look for vintage-inspired details. For example, instead of using black metal legs on a coffee table or desk chair, try using brass or copper. This will give the piece an old-fashioned feel without being too over-the-top.

To avoid clashing with other elements in the room (or feeling too country), stick with neutral tones and pops of color when choosing furniture pieces or decorative items from this category. White is always an excellent choice because it goes with just about everything. You can also incorporate natural textures like wood and metal into your design scheme. These materials lend themselves well both aesthetically and practically when combined appropriately, so long as they’re used properly.


I hope this post has inspired you to mix rustic and modern pieces in your home decor. If you’re looking for some great ideas, check out our Pinterest board, where we have pinned over 50 images of rooms that combine these styles beautifully!


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